Archived News 2018 from the Neighborhood....
Shop with a cop
On December 5 th 2018, The Beaver Patrolmen’s Association was presented with an idea to initiate a
“pilot program” for Shop with a Cop by Trustee Pam Simmons and The Crouse Family (Crouse True
Value), a local business owner. The Beaver Patrolmen’s Association voted on and agreed unanimously to
participate in the event in 2018.
Due to timing, planning and assembling this program was quickly done with the participation of the
Beaver Township Trustees, Crouse Family-Crouse True Value, South Range 3 C’s, Beaver Patrolmen’s
Association, South Range, Boardman, and Columbiana School Districts, Beaver, Boardman, and
Columbiana Police Departments, Dunkin Donuts, and Beaver Township Zoning and Administration
In 2018, together we were able to assist in a small way in making Christmas a little brighter for 13
families (23 Children). The children enjoyed riding in the police cruisers, turning on the lights and sirens,
THE DONUTS (of course), and shopping with the police officers!
In 2019, we would like to expand and seek out cooperation for our program reaching out to local
businesses and residents to participate. We expect to convene in late October or early November to
begin planning for Christmas 2019. If you are interested in participating, please contact the police
department (330-549-5338) and request to speak with Eric Dattilo or Mike Sinkovich regarding this

Air Pack Demonstration- Beaver Fire/EMS
March 13, 2018- Beaver Township Trustee Meeting
Larry Sauerwein, Beaver Township Fire chief, demonstrated the brand new air packs that we received through a grant. These 27 new air packs are funded through a grant in which the township paid 10% of the cost. The entire cost was about $163,000. The township was responsible for only 10%, with the grant covering the rest of the cost!

February 27th 2018-Beaver Township participated in an informational meeting at South Range Local High School in regards to active shooter and other emergencies that can arise during a school day. Corp Brian Hartman, Beaver Police and SRO at South Range did an excellent job of explaining to the large crowd of parents about the extensive training that is on going in the school. Assistant Fire Chief and EMS Chief, Frank Dispenza, along with Fire Chief Todd Baird of Green Township spoke on the cooperation of both townships in regards to the school. Mutual aid between neighboring communities and how training in the summer for any kind of emergency at the school is on going. Nice Job Beaver Police and Beaver Fire and Ems for keeping our residents safe and informed!

Cpl Brian Hartman